A Rose for Your Pocket: An Appreciation of Motherhood артикул 6113d.
A Rose for Your Pocket: An Appreciation of Motherhood артикул 6113d.

In A Rose for Your Pocket, Thich Nhat Hanh invites children of all ages to reflect on the question: Have you loved your mother enough? This lovely prose poem, a gentle reminder of the qualities embodied by mothers, leads the reader to a new and deeper appreciation of his or her mother, whether she is still alive or has passed away Nhat Hanh shows how motherhood ожццк is celebrated in different cultures and shares the story of how his desire to become a monk affected his relationship with his own mother Previously available only as a small, staple-bound booklet, this completely redesigned and revised edition contains the original text along with additional material on motherhood based on Nhat Hanh’s more recent teachings It also includes a meditation on the "Interbeing" of mother and child, teachings on mindfulness and finding one’s true home, and instructions for the beautiful Rose Ceremony Автор Тик Нат Хан Thich Nhat Hanh.  Издательство: Parallax Press, 2008 г Мягкая обложка, 68 стр ISBN 1888375809 Язык: Английский.

Stuck on You: 100 Warm, Witty, Wonderful Ways to Say, You're Special артикул 6115d.
Stuck on You: 100 Warm, Witty, Wonderful Ways to Say, You're Special артикул 6115d.

This clever book features 100 perforated sticky-note sentiments that can easily be posted on the refrigerator, tucked inside a lunch box or purse, slipped underneath a pillow, or affixed to a computer screen (Heck, we're pretty confident there are even more uses for these clever communicators ) Each note features a whimsical four-color illustration ожццм that perfectly captures a variety of sentiments ranging from warm and witty to complimentary and congratulatory: Had a nice thought about you happens a lot; You're more fun than a giant jar of lightening bugs; Working with you is one of my favorite perks! You're one in a million for a million and one reasons! Автор Jane-Elyse Pryor.  Издательство: Andrews McMeel Publishing, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 208 стр ISBN 0740768689 Язык: Английский.

The Long Life Equation: 100 Factors That Determine How Long You'll Live артикул 6117d.
The Long Life Equation: 100 Factors That Determine How Long You'll Live артикул 6117d.

How long will you live? It's no secret that Americans are living longer than they used to But a long and healthy life is not something that you should take for granted In this extensively researched interactive book, you'll learn that the choices you make now will have consequences later on, such as: Laugh a lot: +7 years Get fat: -7 years Do yoga: +5 years ожццп Go to church: +2 years Get divorced: -7 years Own a pet: +1 year Part health advice, part self-help, part survival guide, the information is necessary and addictive After reading it, you'll be inspired to make the necessary changes to ensure that the pluses far outweigh the minuses in your life equation Автор Trisha McNair.  Издательство: Adams Publishing Group, 2008 г Мягкая обложка, 144 стр ISBN 1598698133 Язык: Английский.

В пятый класс - в первый раз Пособие по профилактике и коррекции школьных проблем учеников 10-11 лет артикул 6119d.
В пятый класс - в первый раз Пособие по профилактике и коррекции школьных проблем учеников 10-11 лет артикул 6119d.

Ваш ребенок в этом году переходит в пятый класс? Тогда эта книга для вас Из нее вы сможете узнать о том, как сделать переход легким и естественным, как предотвратить возникновение ожццт проблем в школе В специальном приложении изложены программные требования по основным предметам в III и V классах, а также нормативно-правовая документация о правах и обязанностях родителей Вы работаете в школе? Вы не знаете, как решить многие проблемы, возникающие при переходе учеников из начальной школы в основную? Тогда эта книга для вас Психологи, специалисты службы сопровождения, учителя познакомятся с программой факультативного курса, направленного на обучение школьников общеучебным приемам и навыкам, а также развитию у них самостоятельности и ответственности В книге содержатся подробные сценарии занятий, раздаточный материал для учащихся в виде опорных конспектов и памяток Провести психодиагностическое обследование помогут специально подобранные методики Пособие адресовано родителям, практическим психологам, учителям начальной и средней школы, специалистам службы сопровождения Автор Наталья Сомова.  Серия: Материалы для специалиста образовательного учреждения.

Психологическое здоровье в условиях школы Психопрофилактика эмоционального напряжения артикул 6121d.
Психологическое здоровье в условиях школы Психопрофилактика эмоционального напряжения артикул 6121d.

Понятие синдрома хронической усталости прочно входит в нашу жизнь Его жертвой становятся даже дети, особенно школьники, которые пытаются переработать все возрастающий ожццх поток информации, их родители, которые должны учитывать меняющиеся требования и помогать ребенку А что говорить о педагогах, которые подвержены `профессиональному сгоранию`, проявляющемуся в постоянно повышенном эмоциональном напряжении? Можно ли им помочь? Профессиональное сгорание педагогов и эмоциональное перенапряжение учеников - проблемы, касающиеся школы Как помочь, если ты - психолог и работаешь в этой же школе? Нужно организовать занятия для педагогов, учеников и родителей, учить их расслабляться и правильно отдыхать, знакомить их с воздействием цвета и запаха на человека, с влиянием музыки на эмоциональное состояние, с психофизиологическими особенностями организма Пособие предназначено для школьных педагогов-психологов Автор Лидия Федоренко.  Серия: Материалы для специалиста образовательного учреждения.

Гражданский процессуальный кодекс Практическое пособие артикул 6123d.
Гражданский процессуальный кодекс Практическое пособие артикул 6123d.

Гражданский процессуальный кодекс РСФСР вступил в действие еще в 1964 году За это время законодатель 36 раз вносил в него поправки Одна из самых массированных реконструкций была ожццш произведена Федеральным законом от 30 ноября 1995 г (№ 189-ФЗ) Данный закон внес в ГПК изменения и дополнения, призванные утвердить принципы истинной состязательности в гражданском процессе, в связи, с чем был модифицирован целый ряд статей (ст 14, 50, 56, 60, 64, 65, 69, 70, 74 ГПК) И, как логическое продолжение, были реконструированы положения ГПК, регулирующие производство в кассационной и надзорной инстанциях Ситуацию усложняет еще и то, что некоторые статьи ГПК изменил своими Постановлениями и Конституционный Суд Российской Федерации, а рождение нового (современного) ГПК, которого с нетерпением ждут практикующие юристы, затянулось на долгие годы Кроме того, на сегодняшний день, ряд статей (особенно первого раздела ГПК) потеряли свою актуальность, поскольку рассчитаны были на применение в рамках действовавшего тогда Союза ССР Все это создает трудности в правоприменительной практике для всех участников гражданского процесса Предлагаемая читателю работа задумана автором как пособие для практикующего адвоката Практическое пособие не заменяет научно-практического комментария Его предназначение в другом Это симбиоз краткого комментария, постатейных материалов, адвокатской и судебной практики (в том числе практики Верховного и Конституционного суда Российской Федерации) и образцов судебных документов - исковых заявлений, ходатайств, жалоб, протестов и определений Так же как и в ранее изданных книгах серии `Справочник адвоката`, в конце каждого раздела приводится указатель судебной практики по конкретным делам за последние десятилетия Для адвокатов, судей, прокуроров, студентов и всех тех, кто имеет желание стать участником гражданского судопроизводства Текст ГПК и судебная практика приведены по состоянию на 01 января 2001 года Издание второе Автор Евгений Данилов.  Серия: Справочник адвоката.

And One More Thing Before You Go артикул 6125d.
And One More Thing Before You Go артикул 6125d.

Graduating from high school is a big step for any girl She is leaving her childhood behind and beginning the rest of her life She is also leaving her mother's protective circle of love and guidance One of the greatest gifts a mother can give her daughter at this pivotal moment in her life is good counsel In And One More Thing Before You Go Maria Shriver, ожцця bestselling author, acclaimed journalist, First Lady of California, and mother of two daughters, provides a loving and heartfelt guide for girls as they go off to college Expanded from a speech given to her young friend Ally's graduating class, Maria writes as a wiser, more experienced girlfriend, but also as both the daughter of a mother whose advice she still seeks and as the mother of daughters for whom she wishes a fulfilling and happy life In this stirring and inspiring guide, Maria talks to young women about how to find abundance and emotional richness, and how not to overlook life's most special gifts Her ten rules - told in a witty and poignant anecdotal style - offer a firm grasp on what's really important in life And One More Thing Before You Go is a book that transcends age groups, a book that will make you laugh, cry, and open your eyes to a new way of looking at life Thoughtful, compassionate, and above all, filled with love, And One More Thing Before You Go is a book that will make every mother cry and every daughter stop and think about her mother's words Автор Мария Шрайвер Maria Shriver.  Издательство: Free Press, 2008 г Мягкая обложка, 64 стр ISBN 0743281039, 978-0743281034 Язык: Английский.

Роксолана Книга 1 Вознесение артикул 6127d.
Роксолана Книга 1 Вознесение артикул 6127d.

Переводчик: Изида Новосельцева Кто же она, белокурая султанша, гордо восседающая на троне? Совсем еще недавно 15-летняя украинская девушка Настасья Лисовская, купленная на ожцчз невольничьем рынке в Стамбуле, была одной из многочисленных наложниц в гареме турецкого султана Сулеймана Великолепного Не смирившись с рабством и унижением, обладая незаурядными умом, волей и красотой, гордая славянка покорила сердце могущественного султана и вскоре стала его законной женой, султаншей, владычицей Востока Автор Павло Загребельный Павел Архипович Загребельный Павел Архипович Загребельный, родился в с Солошино, Полтавской области, украинский советский писатель Член КПСС с 1960 Участник Великой Отечественной войны 1941-45 Окончил Днепропетровский университет в 1951 Печататься начал в 1949 Первый сборник.  Серия: Золотая библиотека исторического романа.

Элементы исследования операций и теории игр артикул 6129d.
Элементы исследования операций и теории игр артикул 6129d.

Учебное пособие содержит теоретический материал, посвященный основам моделирования и вопросам принятия решений в игровых моделях, который иллюстрируется решениями содержательных ожцчр задач Книга предназначена для студентов вузов, обучающихся по специальностям "Информатика", "Математика", "Прикладная математика" 2-е издание, переработанное и дополненное Автор Т Фомина.  Серия: Scientia vinces.

Гиперборейская вера русов артикул 6131d.
Гиперборейская вера русов артикул 6131d.

Кто они, гипербореи, - мифический народ Полярного царства, жрецы и слуги Аполлона, жизнь которых сопровождалась вечным весельем и благоговейными молитвами, или древнейшая ожцчч цивилизация, чье наследие воплотилось в культуре всех стран и народов мира? Авторы книги проделали большую работу, собирая доказательства реального существования цивилизации Древних - Гипербореи и Атлантиды Перед читателями открывается волнующая картина жизни великой расы, обладавшей необычными способностями и глубочайшей мудростью Вы познакомитесь с учением, следуя которому человек обретает способность бесконечно совершенствоваться, утверждая на земле торжество разума, справедливости и гуманизма Книга особенно актуальна на пороге нового тысячелетия, так как Эра Водолея требует развития в человеке новых качеств, которые будут залогом благополучного существования планеты Земля Для широкого круга читателей 2-е издание, исправленное и дополненное Содержание Древность Лада Виольева, Дмитрий Логинов c 3-72 Дмитрий Логинов c 73-86 Прошлое Лада Виольева, Дмитрий Логинов c 87-100 Лада Виольева, Дмитрий Логинов c 101-106 Лада Виольева, Дмитрий Логинов c 107-126 Дмитрий Логинов c 127-190 Кирилл Фатьянов c 191-248 Настоящее Ярослав Астахов c 249-264 Ярослав Астахов c 265-294 Ярослав Астахов c 295-301 Ярослав Астахов c 302-302 Дмитрий Логинов c 303-348 Ярослав Астахов c 349-396 Авторы (показать всех авторов) Лада Виольева Дмитрий Логинов Кирилл Фатьянов.  Серия: Русская Северная Традиция.

Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures - The Complete Collection HC артикул 6133d.
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures - The Complete Collection HC артикул 6133d.

Fusing mythology, werewolves, and vampires with a story loaded with mystery, action, and romance, the Anita Blake novels take place in a world where vampires, werewolves, and other creatures of nightmare have been declared legal citizens of the United States Anita Blake is an "animator" - a profession that involves raising the dead ожцчщ for a living She is also known as a fearsome hunter of criminal vampires, and she moonlights by investigating cases that are far too much for "conventional" police But as Anita gains the attention of the vampire masters in her hometown of St Louis, she also risks revealing an intriguing secret about herself - the source of her unusual strength and power Watch as Anita goes up against fierce obstacles and is forced to make tough choices What price will Anita pay in order to save her friend's life and solve the Vampire Murders? Will she actually kiss Phillip? How far will Edward go in order to find out where the daytime resting place of the Master Vampires truly is? Collects Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures #1-12 Авторы (показать всех авторов) Лорел К Гамильтон Laurell K Hamilton Лорел К Гамильтон (до замужества - Лорел Клейн) родилась 19 февраля 1963 года в небольшом городке возле Ширли (штат Арканзас, США) Училась в христианском колледже "Мэрион" (Индиана), получила степени по английской литературе и биологию Во время учебы Stacie Ritchie Jess Ruffner-Booth.  Издательство: Marvel Comics, 2009 г Твердый переплет, 320 стр ISBN 0785140212 Язык: Английский.

BLAME! Volume 9 артикул 6135d.
BLAME! Volume 9 артикул 6135d.

In the aftermath of an apocalyptic battle, all that remains in the world of Blame! is grim: Killy is on the brink of death, and Cibo's fusion with the Level 9 Safeguard unit has reduced her once-impressive intellect to that of a child As the merciless siicon creatures close in, a mind-boggling spherical space inside the city may hold the key to salvation ожцчь "Action packed, bloody, and cerebral to the core, it's stunningly drawn and impossible to put down " -Dave Halverson, Play Magazine Автор Тсутому Нихей Tsutomu Nihei.  Издательство: TokyoPop, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 192 стр ISBN 1595328424.

Mas alla de la Culpa: Beyond Blame, Spanish-Language Edition артикул 6137d.
Mas alla de la Culpa: Beyond Blame, Spanish-Language Edition артикул 6137d.

Blame is a no-win game, and only promotes unhappiness and dissatisfaction, according to the inspiring personal stories included in this book In these accounts, ordinary people describe in their own words how they used Kabbalah’s teachings to move beyond blame and transform themselves from martyrs to masters Kabbalah scholar Yehuda Berg provides ожцша an engaging, accessible spiritual overview that makes the book useful as well as inspirational Through the book’s stories and simple exercises, readers learn to banish the negative tendency to blame others and to start living happier, more fulfilling lives Spanish edition Автор Йегуда Берг Yehuda Berg.  Издательство: Kabbalah Publishing, 2007 г Твердый переплет, 156 стр ISBN 1571895833 Язык: Немецкий.

Como Recibir Manutencion de Nicos артикул 6139d.
Como Recibir Manutencion de Nicos артикул 6139d.

The laws of all states provide that every parent has a legal duty to support his or her child This is true whether the parents are married or not and whether the child lives with them or not However, getting an order for child support and having that order enforced are totally different issues-ask any parent who has returned to court, repeatedly, in order ожцше to be able to take care of his or her child Автор Mary Boland.  Издательство: Sphinx Publishing, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 128 стр ISBN 157248585X Язык: Испанский.

Facing Into the Wind артикул 6141d.
Facing Into the Wind артикул 6141d.

Facing Into The Wind: A Mother's Healing After The Death Of Her Child is a collection of poems written for parents and families who are coping with the terminal illness of a child The poems are written about Elizabeth, a 14-year-old child, who battles a rare form of bone cancer, and her mother, Faith, who struggles to survive after her daughter's death ожцшл Drawing upon metaphors with the natural world, Faith remembers the transcending wisdom imparted by her dying daughter, healing Faith's brokenness and awakening her strength to reach out and comfort others who are suffering Facing Into The Wind is about the alienation of being in a hospital where the doctors speak a language that Faith does not understand and the fear she feels following each new, devastating diagnosis Faith writes about Elizabeth's exhaustion after 12 months of medical treatments and how Elizabeth slowly loses her connection to this world Struggling in an abyss of loss, Faith realizes that her ability to survive depends on her ability to find moments and places of comfort and peace, to release her lost dreams and to develop new understandings from the lessons of loss and suffering Facing Into The Wind poetically reflects a devastated mother's slow transformation as she begins to recognize the eternal rhythms of the natural world and connects to the new world around her Facing Into The Wind will offer the readers the solid presence of a parent who has endured similar pain yet has survived; someone who knows that loss is a profound teacher about the preciousness of living Автор Faith Fuller Wilcox.  Издательство: Xlibris Corporation, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 92 стр ISBN 1425773540 Язык: Английский.

Love Is All You Need Plush Kit артикул 6143d.
Love Is All You Need Plush Kit артикул 6143d.

Heres an eye-filling book, with sentiments of love that will never grow old Inspirations by the likes of Shakespeare, Mae West, and Woody Allenwith recipes for heart cookies, love baths, and morebring the message home: love is all you need Recipients will enjoy this colorful and whimsical collection as they snuggle up with the adorable little plush ожцшъ bear Kit includes 80-page book and miniature stuffed bear Автор Lois Kaufman.  Издательство: Peter Pauper Press, Inc , 2008 г Твердый переплет, 80 стр ISBN 1593598998 Язык: Английский.

The Shoes of Salvation артикул 6145d.
The Shoes of Salvation артикул 6145d.

If a woman has beautiful shoes, does she really need anything more from life? When interviewing Sarah Jessica Parker, "Time" magazine devoted the entire interview solely to questions of the sole In step with a woman's soul-fulfilling need for shoes, Edward Monkton writes in The Shoes of Salvation: "For the first time in her life, ожцщб the lady felt complete And the lady knew what she had instinctively known all along That sometimes, only glorious shoes can save you Автор Edward Monkton.  Издательство: Andrews McMeel Publishing, 2007 г Твердый переплет, 32 стр ISBN 0740768670 Язык: Английский.

Херувим Книга III артикул 6147d.
Херувим Книга III артикул 6147d.

` Вика оглянулась и тихо ахнула Главный врач сидел, подавшись вперед всем корпусом и вцепившись в подлокотники Очки его сползли на кончик носа, рот был приоткрыт В дверном проеме ожцщй застыла мощная фигура санитара Откуда-то из его шеи звучал глухой настырный голос: - Пятый, пятый, как слышите? Прием! Юлия Николаевна Тихорецкая и пациент по фамилии Найденов стояли у окна и целовались так самозабвенно, словно были здесь одни ` Автор Полина Дашкова Полина Викторовна Дашкова родилась 14 июля 1960 года В 1979 году она поступила в Литературный институт имени М Горького Когда Полина Дашкова училась на пятом курсе, она была принята на работу литературным консультантом в журнал "Сельская молодежь" В.  Серия: Детектив.

Short Stories in Spanish: New Penguin Parallel Text артикул 6149d.
Short Stories in Spanish: New Penguin Parallel Text артикул 6149d.

Reflecting the variety of modern Spanish literature, these stories range from the sharp insights of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Maria dos Prazeres to Isabel Allende's powerful evocation of the oral traditions of the Amerindian Walimai, the deceptive simplicity of Javier Marias's On the Honeymoon, and the philosophical speculation of Laura Freixas's ожцщс Absurd Ending Авторы Разные Various Джон Л Кинг John L King.  Издательство: Penguin (Non-Classics), 2001 г Мягкая обложка, 256 стр ISBN 0140265414 Языки: Испанский, Английский.

Shadow Star Vol 2: Darkness Visible артикул 6151d.
Shadow Star Vol 2: Darkness Visible артикул 6151d.

Teenagers Shiina and Akira have become fast friends, due in no small part to their bonds with two shape-shifting alien star-creatures But their small friends are not the only visitors from beyond, nor are Shiina and Akira the only kids connected to them Roaming the skies are powerful and dangerous Shadow Dragons, and one is linked with a schoolmate ожцщщ of the girls, a malevolent boy with murder in his heart — and a deadly, flying dragon at his command to make it happen! Автор Мохиро Китох Mohiro Kitoh.  Издательство: Digital Manga Publishing, 2002 г Мягкая обложка, 182 стр ISBN 1569717400.

Таро белых кошек артикул 6153d.
Таро белых кошек артикул 6153d.

Это Таро как кошка, имеет девять жизней — за каждой новой сущностью этих карт, скрывается следующая Превосходная колода, удобная и для новичков, и для тех, кто обладают яснослышанием; ожцъе простая и забавная, немного легкомысленная, но безусловно отвечающая традиционной символике Общение с этим Таро — подобно толкованию карт на пару с кошкой, Белой, естественно Используя карты "Таро белых кошек", Вы сможете повторить сказанное великим поэтом Шарлем Бодлером в строках, которые он посвятил своему коту: "Это - он, мой гений - вдохновитель! Он судит, управляет и направляет всем в своем королевстве Кто он? Демон? Или древнее божество?" Таро - это прекрасный инструмент самопознания, медитации, гадания и магии Гадание по картам Таро - самая древняя и самая популярная в Европе карточная система До сих пор многие серьезные исследователи этого искусства продолжают нескончаемые споры о том, где и когда впервые появилась колода Таро в ее традиционном ныне виде (22 Старшие карты и 56 Младших) Подавляющее большинство исследователей сходятся во мнении, что истоки знаний, которые скрыты в Арканах, следует искать в мистериях Древнего Египта - прародине основных тайных культов Европы Как бы то ни было, античная Европа, затем средневековая, а позже и современная, стала наследницей старого знания, порой даже не понимая толком, каким сокровищем обладает К комплекту карт прилагается инструкция по толкованию и раскладам Художник Северино Баральди.  Картон Авваллон 2008 г ; Упаковка: коробка.

Tarot of White Cats.
Duke's Handbook of Medicinal Plants of the Bible артикул 6155d.
Duke's Handbook of Medicinal Plants of the Bible артикул 6155d.

Readers have come to depend on Jim Duke’s comprehensive handbooks for their ease of use and artful presentation of scientific information Following the successful format of his other CRC handbooks, Duke’s Handbook of Medicinal Plants of the Bible contains 150 herbs listed alphabetically and by scientific name Each entry provides illustrations ожцът of the plant, family line information, synonyms, notes, common names, activities, indications, dosages, downsides and interactions, natural history, and extracts This comprehensive text also includes Biblical quotes from various translations, such as the King James version and Revised Standard edition, along with comments on points of interest Автор James A Duke.  2007 г Твердый переплет, 552 стр ISBN 0849382025 Язык: Английский.

Uzumaki, Volume 2 артикул 6157d.
Uzumaki, Volume 2 артикул 6157d.

Редактор: Annette Roman Художник: Junji Ito Kurozu-cho, a small fogbound town on the coast of Japan, is cursed But the spirit which haunts it does not have a name or a body, only a shape: uzumaki the spiral, the hypnotic secret shape of the world It possessed the father of teenage Kirie's withdrawn boyfriend Shuichi, causing him ожцъх to remake himself in its image before he died It grows in ferns, in seashells, in curls of hair, and in the crooked folds of the human brain Giant snails are sighted near the high school An eerie glow shines from the abandoned lighthouse Mosquitoes fly in drowsy curves and feed on blood As more people are caught in the pattern, over the town of Kurozu-cho hangs the spiral smoke of cremated corpses; because even in death, there is no escape 2 edition.  Издательство: VIZ Media LLC, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 208 стр ISBN 1421513900.

Exercise Physiology for Health, Fitness, and Performance артикул 6159d.
Exercise Physiology for Health, Fitness, and Performance артикул 6159d.

Exercise Physiology for Health, Fitness, and Performance, Second Edition, reprinted by LWW, integrates basic exercise physiology with research studies to stimulate learning, allowing readers to apply principles in the widest variety of exercise and sport science careers It combines basic exercise physiology with special applications ожц and contains flexible organization of independent units, so instructors can teach according to their own approach Each unit is designed with a consistent and comprehensive sequence of presentation: basic anatomy and physiology, the measurement and meaning of variables important to understanding exercise physiology, exercise responses, training principles, and special applications, problems, and considerations 2 edition Авторы Sharon A Plowman Denise L Smith.  Издательство: Daryl Fox, 2007 г Твердый переплет, 636 стр ISBN 078179207X Язык: Английский.

The Wonder Weeks: How to Turn Your Baby's 8 Great Fussy Phases into Magical Leaps Forward артикул 6161d.
The Wonder Weeks: How to Turn Your Baby's 8 Great Fussy Phases into Magical Leaps Forward артикул 6161d.

Book Description Your Baby's Developing Mind: What a Wonder-ful World! In The Wonder Weeks, you'll discover the specific dates during their first 14 months when all babies take eight major developmental leaps And you'll learn how to help your baby through the eight great "fussy phases" that mark these leaps within a week or two Wonder ожцыб week by wonder week, you'll see how your baby's mind is developing Now you will know which games and toys are best for your baby during each key week and how to encourage each leap forward Calendars, charts, and checklists help you track your baby's progress-- and finally make sense of his fussy behavior This is a baby book like no other It will be your indispensable guide to the crucial "wonder weeks" of your baby's first year.  2003 г 336 стр ISBN 1579546455.

Writing Down the Bones артикул 6163d.
Writing Down the Bones артикул 6163d.

This text offers encouragement and advice on many aspects of the writer's craft, from "first thoughts" to the use and misuse of adverbs, from where the best places are to write - both public and private - to developing your skills in the art of listening Based on the premise that writing creatively helps us to comprehend and value our lives, ожцый the book should help readers to learn and value the art of writing in their lives The chapters covers topics from writing practice and using loneliness, to beating self-doubt Автор Наталия Голдберг.  Издательство: Shambhala, 1986 г Мягкая обложка, 172 стр ISBN 0877733759.

The Universe in a Single Atom : The Convergence of Science and Spirituality артикул 6165d.
The Universe in a Single Atom : The Convergence of Science and Spirituality артикул 6165d.

Gallileo, Copernicus, Newton, Niels Bohr, Einstein Their insights shook our perception of who we are and where we stand in the world and in their wake have left an uneasy co-existence: science vs religion, faith vs empirical enquiry Which is the keeper of truth? Which is the true path to understanding reality? After forty years of study with some ожцыл of the greatest scientific minds as well as a lifetime of meditative, spiritual and philosophical study, the Dalai Lama presents a brilliant analysis of why both disciplines must be pursued in order to arrive at a complete picture of the truth Science shows us ways of interpreting the physical world, while spirituality helps us cope with reality But the extreme of either is impoverishing The belief that all is reducible to matter and energy leaves out a huge range of human experience: emotions, yearnings, compassion, culture At the same time, holding unexamined spiritual beliefs–beliefs that are contradicted by evidence, logic, and experience–can lock us into fundamentalist cages Through an examination of Darwinism and karma, quantum mechanics and philosophical insight into the nature of reality, neurobiology and the study of consciousness, the Dalai Lama drawssignificant parallels between contemplative and scientific examination of reality “I believe that spirituality and science are complementary but different investigative approaches with the same goal of seeking the truth,” His Holiness writes “In this, there is much each may learn from the other, and together they may contribute to expanding the horizon of human knowledge and wisdom ” This breathtakingly personal examination is a tribute to the Dalai Lama’s teachers–both of science and spirituality The legacy of this book is a vision of the world in which our different approaches to understanding ourselves, our universe and one another can be brought together in the service of humanity.  Издательство: Morgan Road Books, 2005 г Твердый переплет, 224 стр ISBN 076792066X.

James Bond: The Golden Ghost (James Bond (Graphic Novels)) артикул 6167d.
James Bond: The Golden Ghost (James Bond (Graphic Novels)) артикул 6167d.

The legend continues! Stand by for more adventures with the world's greatest secret agent, as some of his most thrilling missions are collected for the first time ever! When SPECTRE contact the Secret Service, offering information about a soon-to-be-launched nuclear-powered airship called "The Golden Ghost", Bond is sent to investigate ожцыс But is the airship really in danger, or is Madame Spectra luring 007 into a death trap? This new, never-before-collected edition also collects Fear Face, Double Jeopardy and Star Fire! Plus a new introduction by Richard Kiel (Jaws) and exclusive features!.  2006 г Мягкая обложка, 120 стр ISBN 1845762614.

La mujer al borde de un ataque de nervios: Como hallar la paz de dios en el caos cotidiano артикул 6114d.
La mujer al borde de un ataque de nervios: Como hallar la paz de dios en el caos cotidiano артикул 6114d.

When it comes to marriage, some things are just necessary So say the authors of "The Necessary Nine: How to Stay Happily Married for Life!" Dan Seaborn and Peter Newhouse are proud to be regular guys turned professional marriage and family experts who have determined that the following nine actions will help couples stay married: (1) ожццл Establish Cherishing Attitudes, (2) Pursue Financial Security, (3) Discover Sexual Satisfaction, (4) Spend Time Together, (5) Develop Genuine Friendship, (6) Value Physical Attraction, (7) Cultivate Emotional Oneness, (8) Guard Home Harmony, and (9) Build Spiritual Fusion Indeed, these are the "must-do's" for anyone who has said "I do " And although the list may look simple enough, Seaborn and Newhouse make sure readers understand the "how to" part every step of the way Based on their popular marriage seminar of the same name, "The Necessary Nine" is written for men and women and is appropriate for couples in any season of marriage Автор Cindi Wood.  Издательство: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 122 стр ISBN 0805444513 Язык: Испанский.

Released And Selected (3 CD) артикул 6116d.
Released And Selected (3 CD) артикул 6116d.

Представляем свежую и актуальную компиляцию "Released And Selected" На этом тройнике вы найдете и электронные хиты, не раз оказывавшиеся на вершине радио чартов, и солнечный летний ожццо фанк, и соблазнительную и страстную танцевальную музыку Великолепная бесконечно оптимистичная композиция от Eyerer и Chopstick, один из лучших треков всемирно известной блондинки Colette, несомненный хит "The Sound Of Goodbye" от Armin Van Buuren в ремиксе "Above & Beyond" и еще десяток не менее качественных треков составляют первый диск компиляции, получивший название "Radio Selection" Второй диск "Rhythm Selection" - 12 лучших фанковых композиций последних лет Изобретательная ритмика, осмысленные тексты и крайне благозвучный вокал от таких звезд фанковой сцены, как The Quantic Soul Orchestra, "Belleruche" и "The Bamboos" - залог хорошего настроения даже в дождливую погоду И, наконец, последний, третий диск - "In The Club Selection" Это самая настоящая танцевальная сенсация! Лучшие треки от звезд мировой электронной сцены - гламурные, яркие, шокирующие и горячо любимые поклонниками хаус-музыки Содержание CD1: Released And Selected Radio Selection 1 Make My Day (Haunting) Eyerer, Chopstick, Zdar 2 Light The Skies (Radio Edit) "Cerf, Mitiska And Jaren" 3 About Us Colette, DJ Colette 4 Licky (Work It Out) Herve Goes Low Remix Ларри Ти, "Princess Superstar" 5 Slow "Bobina" 6 No Deputy Ричард Грей, Боб Марли 7 Sunglasses At Night Sean Finn, Джино Монтесано 8 The Sound Of Goodbye (Above & Beyond Remix) Армин Ван Буурен 9 Ghost Jes 10 Rise Саманта Джеймс 11 Be Still (Robbie Rivera Juicy Ibiza Mix) Kaskade 12 Scandalous "Sui & La Resistance", Джимми Скрич 13 Needle On The Record "Naomi" CD2: Released And Selected Rhythm Selection 1 A Fly In The Hand (DJ Vadim Mix) Элис Рассел 2 Days "Alphawezen" 3 Northern Girls "Belleruche" 4 Rescue Me "Club Benhas" 5 Mutes And Drops "Hint" 6 The Retired Phantom Of The Opera "Third I Vision" 7 Mi Swing Es Tropical "Quantic", Nickodemus 8 Brown Paper Bag "Me & You" 9 Hell Alright "De-Phazz" 10 Lead Us To The End The Quantic Soul Orchestra, Ноэль Скагс 11 Bring It Home "The Bamboos", Элис Рассел 12 Ungodly Fruit Wax Tailor CD3: Released And Selected In The Club Selection (Mixed) 1 Anthem (Cicada Mix) "Filo & Peri", Эрик Люмьер 2 Slow "Bobina" 3 You Don't Know "StoneBridge" 4 Till The Sky Falls Down "Dash Berlin" 5 Light The Skies "Cerf, Mitiska And Jaren" 6 Round & Round (Take Me Higher) Миша Дэниэлс, Tash 7 The Sound Of Goodbye Армин Ван Буурен 8 Home "Above & Beyond" 9 Beauty Hides In The Deep "The Doppler Effect" 10 In & Out Sunlounger 11 Cause You Know Маркус Шульц, "The Departure" 12 Roadkill "Dubfire" 13 Big Sky Джон О'Кэллеген, Одри Галлахер 14 Hide M I K E 15 Someone To Jump Up Джилл Джонс, Funky Junction 16 Perfect Роб Лемон 17 Who Will Find Me DJ Shah, Адрина Торпэ 18 Disconnected Миша Дэниэлс Исполнители (показать всех исполнителей) Eyerer Chopstick Zdar.  Формат: 3 Audio CD (DigiPack) Дистрибьюторы: Правительство звука, World Club Music, Open Gate Records Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 2008 г Сборник: Российское издание.

Live As (3 CD) артикул 6118d.
Live As (3 CD) артикул 6118d.

Встречайте тройной релиз серии "Live As ", исполнителями которого являются три известнейших диджея мира: John Askew, Sean Tyas, Greg Downey!!! В своем творчестве "трио" затронуло почти ожццс все границы прогрессив транса, использовав при этом треки: Bedrock, DJ Choose, Vincent De Moor, John O'Callaghan , "Nu NRG" и других ярких представителей клубной сцены!!! Самый ожидаемый релиз года - крики ликующий толпы, отличная музыка и куча позитивных эмоций, оставленных на танцполах всего света!!! Содержание CD1: Live As Mixed By John Askew (Recorded Live In Los Angeles) 1 Way Of Life (Deep Wide Mix - Askew Edit) Эрен Стоверс, "The Viceroy" 2 Megashira (Stoneface & Terminal Mix) Марк Марлберг, Kyau Vs Albert 3 Without You (Michael Angelo & Jim Remix) Harris C 4 Time Bomb (Tom Colontonio Mix) Sly One, Jurrane 5 Absolute "Digital Nature", Мануэль Ле Саукс 6 Cryptecture (Solar Movement Mix) Даррен Виллиамс 7 Dream On Mannix 8 Galo "Rest Point" 9 Cause & Effect (Gate 42 Mix) Алэд Мэнн 10 Inverse Function JOC 11 Punchline Брайан Керни 12 Acupuncture Киеши Карин 13 Battery Acid (Force Mass Motion Mix) "Battery Acid" 14 Chime Джон Аскью 15 Platitude Onova 16 Lost (Charlie Brownz Remix) Sterilis 17 Timeless Йохан Экман 18 Last Experience (Digital Nature Remix) "NU NRG" CD2: Live As Mixed By Sean Tyas (Recorded Live In San Francisco) 1 2v2007 (Sean Tyas Intro Remix) Томас Дэтт 2 Stung On The River (Sean Tyas Remix) Нил Скарброх 3 Lost & Found Dave 202 4 One More Night Out "Sean Tyas" 5 Ultima "Kyo", Gil 6 Punchline Брайан Керни 7 Supernature (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix) "Stoneface", "Terminal" 8 Fly Away (Sean Tyas Remix) Vincent De Moor 9 Rounder Том Колонтонио 10 Lost In Love 2k7 (Tyas' Lost In Time Remix) "Beats Of Genesis", Legend B 11 Drop "Sean Tyas" 12 Dynamism "Frase" CD3: Live As Mixed By Greg Downey (Recorded Live At Planet Love, Northern Ireland) 1 The System (Interlude) Inertia 2 Bert Джим Гридлэнд 3 Urban Jungle J-Joy 4 Soulseeker Ронски Спид, "Stoneface", "Terminal" 5 Resistance (Activa's Mekk Mix) Mekk 6 Tears Of Hope (Greg Downey Remix) "Deems" 7 Resound Томас Бронсвейер 8 Pyramid Джон О'Кэллеген, Mannix 9 Add More Balls DJ Choose 10 Volcano (2am Mix) "Stoneface", "Terminal" 11 Grade A Грег Давни 12 Bulldozer Саймон Патэрсон 13 Fly Away (Cosmic Gate Remix) Vincent De Moor 14 Be Right Back "NU NRG" 15 Once Again Грег Давни 16 Heaven Scent (Greg Downey Remix) "Bedrock" Исполнители (показать всех исполнителей) Джон Аскью John Askew "Sean Tyas" Грег Давни Greg Downey.  Формат: 3 Audio CD (DigiPack) Дистрибьюторы: Правительство звука, World Club Music Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 2008 г Сборник: Российское издание.

Recorded Live In Los Angeles & San Francisco & At Planet Love, Northern Ireland.
The Healthy Wholefoods Counter артикул 6120d.
The Healthy Wholefoods Counter артикул 6120d.

America is going "green " Organic, natural, sustainable, free-range, wholegrain, antibiotic-free, eco-friendly - what does it all mean? Marketing hype and media headlines can blur the facts, and you want answers aboutwhich are the best foods to buy and eat In an easy-to-read Question andAnswer format, nationally known nutrition ожццф experts Annette Natow and Jo-AnnHeslin provide a guide to choosing wholesome foods Here you'll find: Easy-to-understand explanations that demystify antioxidants, phytochemicals, probiotics, trans fats, gluten-free, and more The real scoop on calorie-burning drinks, satiety-enhancing products, immunity-boosting foods, and superfruits Information on planet-friendly farming and food processing to help you buy the healthiest foods How to become a label-reading expert to make the best choices when you shop Авторы Annette B Natow Jo-Ann Heslin.  Издательство: Pocket, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 672 стр ISBN 1416552537 Язык: Английский.

Bedtime Sucks: What to Do When You and Your Baby Are Cranky, Sleep-Deprived, and Miserable артикул 6122d.
Bedtime Sucks: What to Do When You and Your Baby Are Cranky, Sleep-Deprived, and Miserable артикул 6122d.

Do you suffer from sleep deprivation because Your baby only dozes off in your arms--rendering you unable to move? Your toddler refuses to nap and only goes to bed after five bedtime stories, three glasses of water, and the binkie that can never ever be washed? One expert tells you to let them scream themselves to sleep, while another says the family ожццч bed is best? One thing's for sure: Nobody sleeps if the children don't Amid all the conflicting advice, Bedtime Sucks is the only book to admit that trying to get your kid to sleep sure does suck! Inside, authors Joanne Kimes and Kathleen Laccinole cover: Good sleep habits that start in the womb; The Zen Commandments of getting the baby to sleep through the night; Why the hand that rocks the cradle is the one that's constantly exhausted; and Travel dos and don'ts, potty training troubles, how to juggle more than one sleepy child at a time, and more With the signature hilarity that has made the Sucks series a hit, Kimes and Laccinole tackle bedtime, naptime, and all the wakey-wake time on the way to a full night's sleep Авторы Joanne Kimes Kathleen Laccinole.  Издательство: Adams Publishing Group, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 224 стр ISBN 1593376278 Язык: Английский.

Отцеубийца артикул 6124d.
Отцеубийца артикул 6124d.

И вновь кольцо странника сыграло свою зловещую роль: брат поднял меч на брата, сын убивает отца, муж отвергает любимую жену Злую шутку сыграл ювелир, сотворив это кольцо; ходит ожццъ оно по миру, творя зло Автор Марина Александрова.  Серия: Корни земли.

Справочник адвоката Консультации Защита в суде Образцы документов артикул 6126d.
Справочник адвоката Консультации Защита в суде Образцы документов артикул 6126d.

Предлагаемый читателю справочник можно определить, с одной стороны, как практическое пособие молодому адвокату по ведению в судах самых различных категорий дел: жилищных, ожцчд семейных, связанных с возмещением материального ущерба и морального вреда и т д и т п , с другой - как краткий курс процессуального права, где каждый раздел содержит кроме авторского комментария, образцы исковых заявлений и жалоб, судебную и адвокатскую практику, нормативную базу Подробный справочный раздел окажет читателю незаменимую помощь в поиске необходимых в деятельности адвоката адресов и телефонов Для начинающих практическую деятельность адвокатов, студентов старших курсов юридических вузов, всех, кого касаются судебные споры Судебная практика приведена по состоянию на 01 января 2002 года Издание шестое Содержание Справочник адвоката Консультации Защита в суде Образцы документов Справочные Материалы c 22-495 К читателю Предисловие c 20-21 Авторы Евгений Данилов Г Воскресенский.  Серия: Справочник адвоката.

The Little Book of Kitchen Table Wisdom артикул 6128d.
The Little Book of Kitchen Table Wisdom артикул 6128d.

Редактор: Jacqueline M Berg As a physician, a professor of medicine, a therapist, and a long-term survivor of chronic illness, Dr Rachel Remen, author of the inspirational classic "The Little Book of Kitchen Table Wisdom", has a unique perspective on healing Here are the passages, quotes, and stories from "The Little ожцчи Book of Kitchen Table Wisdom" that have profoundly affected her legions of fans The result is a guide to inner healing that everyone will cherish, and such spiritual issues as suffering, meaning, love, faith, and miracles that everyone can learn from and live by Автор Rachel Naomi Remen.  Издательство: Riverhead Trade, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 144 стр ISBN 1594482500 Язык: Английский.

The Journey to Healthy Living: Freedom from Body Image and Food Issues артикул 6130d.
The Journey to Healthy Living: Freedom from Body Image and Food Issues артикул 6130d.

Stop being controlled by food and physical appearance Based on the Journey to Freedom Manual, this study guide is about learning to deal with life-controlling food issues, no matter what they are-weight loss, eating disorders, food addictions, or body image issues Like the other study guides in the Journey to Freedom series, this study will focus ожцчт specifically on body issues, while helping people change the things in their life that keep them from fulfilling their purpose and living their life to its fullest potential Автор Scott Reall.  Издательство: Thomas Nelson, 2008 г Мягкая обложка, 128 стр ISBN 1418507695 Язык: Английский.

The Only Diet Book You'll Every Need: How to Lose Weight Without Losing Your Mind артикул 6132d.
The Only Diet Book You'll Every Need: How to Lose Weight Without Losing Your Mind артикул 6132d.

D-iscouraged with the way you look? I-nterested in long-term results? E-xcited for the new and improved you? T-ime to get a move on! Tired of the roller-coaster ride called dieting? You are not alone! Now, with nationally celebrated weight-loss expert Cyndi Targosz as your guide, you can say goodbye to fly-by-night fad diets, create a real plan ожцчш for losing-and keeping off-the weight, and have a great time doing it! Complete with tips and tricks for curbing your cravings, personalizing your plan of attack, and embracing your new delicious life, you'll be on the track to a better you in no time With Cyndi's Secrets' for success, you will learn how to: Find out the real reason you're overweight Adapt the new Food Pyramid to your nutritional needs Shop, cook, and dine (in or out) and stay on course Let Cyndi and her one-of-a-kind program refresh, inspire, and energize you With "The Only Diet Book You'll Ever Need", your new life starts today What are you waiting for? Автор Cyndi Targosz.  Издательство: Adams Publishing Group, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 256 стр ISBN 1598694391 Язык: Английский.

Brain Boosting Foods артикул 6134d.
Brain Boosting Foods артикул 6134d.

Do You Feel Like You've Lost Your Edge? It's Time to Feed Your Brain and Get Back Into Life! Is memory loss an unavoidable part of aging? Does the condition of your brain affect your body's health? Find out the answers to these questions as Janet Maccaro, PhD, CNC, teaches you how to boost your brainpower-naturally Proper nutrition can balance and support ожцчы healthy brain chemistry-without drugs-and the results can be felt within minutes In Brain-Boosting Foods, Dr Janet explains the connection between specific nutrients and your brainpower and gives a clear list of dos and don'ts Learn how to use food, supplements, and other natural therapies to banish brain clutter and to help your brain's ability to function at its maximum capacity! Автор Janet Maccaro.  Издательство: Siloam Press, 2008 г Мягкая обложка, 154 стр ISBN 1599792257 Язык: Английский.

10 Smart Things Women Can Do to Build a Better Life артикул 6136d.
10 Smart Things Women Can Do to Build a Better Life артикул 6136d.

Gifted communicator Donna Carter believes the choices we make today define the quality of our lives tomorrow With enthusiasm and encouragement, she helps readers discern their priorities-how they want to live and what they want to accomplish-and then helps them use these choices to build lives filled with excitement, fulfillment, and joy Women ожцчэ will discover practical ways to keep their connections to people strong and encouraging; decrease stress and accomplish more through organization; develop and maintain an upbeat, biblical self-image; stay positive when problems and disagreements occur; forgive when wounded As women make positive changes in their lives, they'll have more time and energy to focus on what truly makes life worth living-serving and worshiping God, loving family members, spending time with friends, helping others, overcoming trials, and achieving their dreams Автор Donna Carter.  Издательство: Harvest House Publishers, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 160 стр ISBN 0736920390 Язык: Английский.

Trigun Maximum Volume 5: Break Out (Trigun Maximum (Graphic Novels)) артикул 6138d.
Trigun Maximum Volume 5: Break Out (Trigun Maximum (Graphic Novels)) артикул 6138d.

Vash the Stampede and his cohorts remain locked in a frenetic and terribly destructive battle with the remaining members of the Gung-Ho Guns, who are terribly resistant to defeat The bitter feud promises to reveal secrets about both Vash and his mortal enemies Just when you thought this series had reached its most feverish pitch, Yasuhiro Nightow ожцшг turns up the heat in his wildly popular manga series, Trigun Maximum!.  2005 г Мягкая обложка, 208 стр ISBN 1593073445.

Loose Ends артикул 6140d.
Loose Ends артикул 6140d.

Joseph Hershle has almost everything he wants He has a loving wife, Susan, and she is pregnant with their first child He is graduating from medical school and is about to leave his hometown to begin an internship in a prestigious hospital across the country But, he is not excited to begin this new chapter in his life because of what is missing: he has not ожцшк spoken to his father in years Susan convinces Joseph to meet with his father before they move A few months later, when Joseph’s father dies suddenly, Joseph goes home for the funeral while Susan stays in Portland with their infant son Joseph writes to Susan in a diary that he will share with her when he returns from his emotional journey Loose Ends is about the heartbreak and love that can bring families together and tear them apart Joseph is lucky He is blessed with a strong, supportive wife who is able to help him heal old childhood wounds and ultimately confront years of anger and resentment With her help, Joseph is able to tie up loose ends of his life and move on Автор Peter Barbour.  Издательство: BookSurge Publishing, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 74 стр ISBN 1419669931 Язык: Английский.

Ultimate Muscle, Volume 15 (Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy) артикул 6142d.
Ultimate Muscle, Volume 15 (Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy) артикул 6142d.

The Superhuman Olympics are underway, and Kid Muscle is already being taken for a ride--by the Coasterman, a living roller coaster It's all part of the continuing efforts of the shamefully biased Superhuman Oympics chairman, Ikemen McMadd, to boot the Kid out of the competition and into eternal obscurity and shame Will Kid Muscle survive? Will ожцшр he and his portly (and a little too friendly) partner Sasaki finish the all-important three-legged race? Is there a more humiliating way for the universe's greatest intergalactic wrestling champ to meet his end? Of course there is If Kid Muscle makes it to the first real bout of the Superhuman Olympics, he'll come face to porcelain with his most unforgettable foe yet, the mind-boggling Hollywood Bowl He's got strength He's got skill And, yes, he's got a toilet for a head Kid Muscle can laugh all he wants, but he's the one about to get (ahem) dumped on!.  2006 г Мягкая обложка, 208 стр ISBN 1421506831.

Doctor Who: The Forgotten артикул 6144d.
Doctor Who: The Forgotten артикул 6144d.

Stranded in a strange Museum that's dedicated to him, and with no Tardis in sight, The Doctor and Martha must make sense of their surroundings, hindered by one small fact - The Doctor has lost his memories of every one of his previous incarnations! With items relevant to each Doctor in their possession, The Doctor must try to use them to regain his memories ожцшы before it's too late, starting with his earliest incarnation's memories, involving Susan, Barbara, and Ian but quickly moving on to Zoe and Jamie, and more! This all-new series written by Tony Lee (Starship Troopers) features artist Pia Guerra in her first monthly comic since Y The Last Man Авторы Tony Lee Pia Guerra Nick Roche.  Издательство: IDW Publishing, 2009 г Мягкая обложка, 144 стр ISBN 1600103960 Язык: Английский.

Everything Love Spells Book: Spells, incantations, and potions to spice up your love life артикул 6146d.
Everything Love Spells Book: Spells, incantations, and potions to spice up your love life артикул 6146d.

Bring love into your life and keep it there with "The Everything Love Spells Book" This pocket guide contains more than 75 spells to help you rev up your romance There's a spell for every lover's lament: Can't get over that last love? Do the Breaking the Chains Spell and he's gone for good! Need to attract that special someone? The Enhancement ожцщв Spell will make anyone irresistible! Bored in the bedroom? All you need to stoke the flames is the Tantric Lovemaking Spell! Whether you're an experienced spellcaster or dabbling in magick for the first time, watch love flourish with these and many other spells Nudge that special someone along and add passion and erotic excitement to your existing relationships True love is just a spell away! Авторы Jodi St Onge Kaile Dutton.  Издательство: Adams Publishing Group, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 304 стр ISBN 1598693921 Язык: Английский.

Embracing Coincidence: Transforming Your Life Through Synchronicity артикул 6148d.
Embracing Coincidence: Transforming Your Life Through Synchronicity артикул 6148d.

At some point in our lives, we have all experienced synchronicities, those amazing coincidences that offer short glimpses into the backstage of lie, the hidden order of things Carol Lynn Pearson has for years kept track of the coincidences in her days, looking at them with a poet's eye for metaphor and meaning: a pan of "mama's cinnamon rolls" appears ожцщо in the first shot of a movie just minutes after she and her sister reminisce on that favorite childhood food; a smiley face pops up on the computer screen during the writing of her daughter's funeral service; eight butterflies appear with an hour, not on the wing but in the word bringing a message of transformation and hope Learning the language of synchronicity can help each of us to more frequently access and recognize the wisdom of the divine After reading Consider the Butterfly, you will never again see the events in your daily life as just events You will start to see your name on messages sent special delivery, giving helpful clues on your own personal journey Author Bio: Carol Lynn Pearson has established an impressive career as a best-selling author of more than forty books and plays With Consider the Butterfly, Carol Lynn moves her relationship with readers in a new and more intimate direction, sharing personal stories in "an innocent and awesome show-and-tell" of her experience with the phenomenon of synchronicity Carol Lynn is the mother of four grown children and lives in Walnut Creek, California 1 edition Автор Carol Lynn Pearson.  Издательство: Gibbs Smith, 2008 г Мягкая обложка, 160 стр ISBN 1423603583 Язык: Английский.

The Great Physician's Rx for Arthritis (Great Physican's RX) артикул 6150d.
The Great Physician's Rx for Arthritis (Great Physican's RX) артикул 6150d.

Like age, arthritis has a way of creeping up on you until one morning, that occasional stiffness in the knee or soreness in the hands turns into "That hurts!" type of pain Prolonged physical activity only prolongs the soreness Arthritis is a general medical term that refers to inflammation of the joints The word "arthritis" is ожцщч a blend of the Greek words "arthron" for joint and "itis" for inflammation Frequent cracking of the joints and early morning stiffness are common symptoms of osteoarthritis, even during pain-free periods Some will joke that they can tell a weather change is ahead when their knees act up, but that's because painful joints can be sensitive to a falling of barometric pressure, which signals rain in the forecast Arthritis often begins subtly with a little ache and stiffness in the knees or shoulders Or it may herald its arrival with sharp pain and swollen, tender joints Arthritis takes center stage, however, when you feel as stiff as a board when you pull yourself out of bed in the morning Stiff spines, creaky necks, and balky backs can zap the life out of even the most optimistic individuals Those with arthritic hands and wrists find it painful to type or even use a computer mouse, while some with arthritic knees shuffle around with pain as their constant companion Arthritic hips not also restrict mobility but impact a couple's love life since arthritic hip pain can make sexual relations painful, particularly for women No matter how you cope or make lifestyle adjustments, arthritis is a pain to live with In The Great Physician's Rx for Arthritis, Jordan Rubin, along with Joseph Brasco, MD, recommends a total lifestyle program for the health of the body, mind, and spirit that's much more effective than sleeping on a bed of magnets each night, and it's based on the seven keys to unlock your God-given health potential found in his foundational book The Great Physician's Rx for Health and Wellness 1 edition Авторы Jordan Rubin Joseph Brasco.  Издательство: Thomas Nelson, 2007 г Твердый переплет, 128 стр ISBN 078521917X Язык: Английский.

Shoes, Chocs, Bags, and Frocks артикул 6152d.
Shoes, Chocs, Bags, and Frocks артикул 6152d.

A compendium of beautiful thoughts for women of taste and splendor Edward Monkton, perhaps better known as the U K 's top-selling living poet Giles Andreae, pairs a witty and quirky writing style with simple yet elegant illustrations to celebrate the four bastions of femininity, namely: shoes, chocolate, purses, and clothes Be it a handbag of glory, ожцщы the shoes of salvation, the beautiful frock, or the kingdom of chocolate, Monkton fluidly expounds the virtues of many a lady's desires: "Buy me, Lady," said the frock, "and I will make you into a Beautiful and whole and Complete Human Being " "Do not be silly," said the Man, "for a frock alone cannot do that " "True," said the Lady "I will have the Shoes and the Bag as well " Автор Edward Monkton.  Издательство: Andrews McMeel Publishing, 2008 г Твердый переплет, 32 стр ISBN 0740772740 Язык: Английский.

Freedom From Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Personalized Recovery Program For Living With Uncertainty артикул 6154d.
Freedom From Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Personalized Recovery Program For Living With Uncertainty артикул 6154d.

Book DescriptionA preeminent psychologist's uniquely successful method of understanding and overcoming obsessive-compulsive disorder What would prompt People magazine to include a profile of a Pennsylvania psychologist among its pages ofcelebrity features? Answer: his groundbreaking treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, ожцър an illness whose six million sufferers are driven by anxiety over life's uncertainties to become enslaved by ritualistic behaviors For more than two decades, Dr Jonathan Grayson's extraordinary methods have included taking patients at his Philadelphia Anxiety and Agoraphobia Treatment Center on an annual camping trip, during which they participate in activities even non-sufferers would find difficult to endure They sleep in tents, use latrines without the benefit of running water, and take torturous hikes Dr Grayson's remarkably empathetic key to understanding obsessive-compulsive disorder empowers sufferers to not only surmount these challenges butalso to make enormous breakthroughs in coping with their behaviors and feelings Freedom from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder offers a self-guided version of Grayson's program, a highly personalized treat-ment that focuses on lasting recovery and relapse prevention While some experts emphasize medication to treat the biological roots of OCD and others stress its psychological component, Grayson's compassionate approach combines the best of both schools of thought Reaching beyond the generic symptom reduction offered in other books, this unparalleled volume enables those struggling with OCD to stop the disorder from controlling their lives.  2003 г 320 стр ISBN 1585422460.

The Geography of Thought : How Asians and Westerners Think Differently and Why артикул 6156d.
The Geography of Thought : How Asians and Westerners Think Differently and Why артикул 6156d.

Book Description Everyone knows that while different cultures may think about the world differently, they use the same equipment for doing their thinking Everyone knows that whatever the skin color, nationality, or religion, every human being uses the same tools for perception, for memory, and for reasoning Everyone knows that a logically true ожцъу statement is true in English, German, or Hindi Everyone knows that when a Chinese and an American look at the same painting, they see the same painting But what if everyone is wrong? When psychologist Richard E Nisbett showed an animated underwater scene to his American students, they zeroed in on a big fish swimming among smaller fish Japanese subjects, on the other hand, made observations about the background environment -- and the different "seeings" are a clue to profound underlying cognitive differences between Westerners and East Asians For, as Professor Nisbett shows in The Geography of Thought, people actually think about -- and even see -- the world differently because of differing ecologies, social structures, philosophies, and educational systems that date back to ancient Greece and China and that have survived into the modern world As a result, East Asian thought is "holistic" -- drawn to the perceptual field as a whole and to relations among objects and events within that field By comparison to Western modes of reasoning, East Asian thought relies far less on categories or on formal logic; it is fundamentally dialectic, seeking a"middle way" between opposing thoughts By contrast, Westerners focus on salient objects or people, use attributes to assign them to catergories, and apply rules of formal logic to understand their behavior The Geography of Thought documents Professor Nisbett's groundbreaking international research in cultural psychology, a series of comparative studies both persuasive in their rigor and startling in their conclusions, addressing questions such as: Why did the ancient Chinese excel at algebra and arithmetic, but not geometry, the brilliant achievement of such Greeks as Euclid? Why do East Asians find it so difficult to disentangle an object from its surroundings? Why do Western infants learn nouns more rapidly than verbs, when it is the other way around in East Asia? What are the implications of these cognitive differences for the future of international politics? Do they support a Fukuyamaesque "end of history" scenario or a Huntingtonian "clash of civilizations"? From feng shui to metaphysics, from comparative linguistics to economic history, a gulf separates the children of Aristotle from the descendants of Confucius At a moment in history when the need for cross-cultural understanding and collaboration have never been more important, The Geography of Thought offers both a map to that gulf and a blueprint for a bridge that might be able to span it.  2003 г 288 стр ISBN 0743216466.

Counseling Treatment for Children and Adolescents with DSM-IV-TR Disorders артикул 6158d.
Counseling Treatment for Children and Adolescents with DSM-IV-TR Disorders артикул 6158d.

Designed to give readers a better understanding of children and adolescents who have been diagnosed with an emotional, behavioral, or mental disorder,this book provides a thorough discussion of the most-commonly diagnosed disorders of children and adolescents, and examines the biological, developmental, and environmental causes of these ожцъщ disorders Disorders are approached from the perspective of the child/adolescent and examined in context; and, each discussion includes practical guidance for assessment and treatment based on the most recent research in the field To the expertise of the main author are added contributions by several counselor educators, psychologists, and clinicians who directly practice, teach, and focus on key topics addressed in the book Provides a thorough discussion of the most-commonly diagnosed disorders of children and adolescents, and examines the biological, developmental, and environmental causes of these disorders Key focus is on psychopathology, DSM-IV, child psychopathology, and child/adolescent counseling Coverage emphasizes the importance of viewing children and adolescents with DSM-IV-TR disorders within a sound developmental framework Contains two chapters on treatment planning–one that discusses practical guidelines for planning and one consisting of four case studies For future counselor educators, psychologists, and clinicians 2 edition Автор Robert R Erk.  2007 г Твердый переплет, 528 стр ISBN 0132302624 Язык: Английский.

Charley's War: 17 October 1916 A– 21 February 1917 (Charley's War) артикул 6160d.
Charley's War: 17 October 1916 A– 21 February 1917 (Charley's War) артикул 6160d.

Renowned UK comics writer Pat Mills and legendary artist Joe Colquhoun continue the critically-acclaimed classic comics story of World War One soldier Charley Bourne As the winter of 1916 approaches, Charley is caught in a desperate fight for survival against the `Judgment Troopers' Injured in battle, he returns home to convalesce only to discover ожцъя that the Germans have brought the war to the streets of London! This new volume of Charley's War features a brand new introduction and `director's commentary' by Pat Mills, plus exclusive extra content.  2006 г Твердый переплет, 112 стр ISBN 1845762703.

Charley's War: 1 August 1916 - 17 October 1916 артикул 6162d.
Charley's War: 1 August 1916 - 17 October 1916 артикул 6162d.

From renowned comics writer Pat Mills and legendary artist Joe Colquhoun comes a truly classic piece of graphic storytelling: thrilling, horrifying and deeply moving In 1916, Charley Bourne lies about his age to fight in France But thoughts of glory and patriotism are swept aside by the horror of life and death in the trenches of the First World War ожцыв In this second volume, we follow the continuing trials of Charley during the bloody and disastrous Battle of the Somme Charley's War also features an appreciation by comics writer Garth Ennis (War Stories), a `director's commentary' by Pat Mills, and a fascinating article on the cultural history of World War One.  2005 г Твердый переплет, 112 стр ISBN 1840239298.

BLAB! Vol 17 (Blab!) артикул 6164d.
BLAB! Vol 17 (Blab!) артикул 6164d.

The preeminent anthology of contemporary painting, illustration, and cartooning BLAB! is an annual coffee-table showcase of fine art, illustration, and comix, and a gold-standard in the work of the professional visual arts Most of BLAB!'s contributors through the years have gone on to huge success in the gallery world (Chris Ware, Camille Rose ожцык Garcia, Joe Coleman, Gary Baseman, etc ) and the current volume sharpens BLAB!'s cutting-edge like never before This volume of BLAB! features a cover by Jonathan Rosen, and: the BLAB! debut of popular artist Shag!; a full-color tribute to Bazooka Joe; Sue Coe and Judith Brody's "… And Not a Drop To Drink," an exploration of the destruction of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast by angry gods of wind and water against a backdrop of war; Greg Clarke's "The Pungent Gaul," a surprisingly harrowing story of a frenchman who smuggles illegal cheeses from his homeland into the United States and sells them on the black market; Michael Dougan's four-page color story about homeland security, paranoia, technology, international intrigue, and anxiety; "Nine Lives," Peter Kuper's story of the various ways he's almost died; more "Fetal Elvis" from Mark Landman; "Max Vesta, Matchbook Artist," the true story of the art and life of the unsung and little known (except to a few collectors and connoisseurs) master of the matchbook cover; Lou Brooks invites us into his "Garden of Tongue-listing Twimericks"your mouth will never be the same; Peter and Maria Hoey's "Out of Nowhere," the story of Coleman Hawkins and Django Reinghart's years in pre-WWII Paris; plus stories by Tim Biskup, Gary Baseman, Fred Stonehouse, Marc Rosenthal,Spain, Mats!, and Sergio Ruzzier BLAB! is conceived, edited and designed by five-time New York Festival of Advertising award-winner Monte Beauchamp.  2006 г Мягкая обложка, 120 стр ISBN 1560977760.

Everything You Never Wanted Your Kids to Know About Sex (But Were Afraid They'd Ask) : The Secrets to Surviving Your Child's Sexual Development from Birth to the Teens артикул 6166d.
Everything You Never Wanted Your Kids to Know About Sex (But Were Afraid They'd Ask) : The Secrets to Surviving Your Child's Sexual Development from Birth to the Teens артикул 6166d.

Book DescriptionIf you’ve ever tried to tell your six-year-old how babies are made or your fourteen-year-old how condoms work, you know that grappling with telling your kids about sex can be a sweat-drenched exercise But it doesn’t have to be Everything You Never Wanted Your Kids to Know About Sex (But Were Afraid They’d Ask) is a one-of-a-kind ожцыо survival guide that will help you stay sane through every stage of your child’s sexual development After interviewing scores of parents and analyzing decades of scientific research, two nationally respected, Harvard-trained physicians share their expertise in this brilliantly insightful, practical, and hilarious book that has fast become the leading resource for parents of toddlers to teens This indispensable guide covers all the bases, including: • What to expect at each stage of your child’s development and how you can influence it from birth onward • What to tell your kids at every age about sex andhow to get the conversation going • What to do when your five-year-old turns up naked with the girl next door, your toddler is rubbing on her teddy bear, or your six-year-old walks in on you having sex • How to avoid unnecessary clasheswith your middle-schooler while managing privacy, crushes, and what to wear • How to encourage your teenager to use contraception without encouraging her to have sex, and how to help her choose the method that’s best for her.  2004 г 448 стр ISBN 1400051282.

The Culprit and The Cure : Why lifestyle is the culprit behind Americas poor health артикул 6168d.
The Culprit and The Cure : Why lifestyle is the culprit behind Americas poor health артикул 6168d.

Book DescriptionThis book presents a wealth of evidence that reveals how a healthy diet, exercise, and other healthy lifestyles can impact life-span and the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases It provides easy-to-follow guidelines that will help individuals begin and maintain a healthy lifestyle for life No infomercials ожцыц here, just the facts from an authority who knows.  2005 г 272 стр ISBN 0975882805.

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